Thursday, September 4, 2008

Road Rage

I found these rants in the Pulse around August:

This is to all you cyclists everywhere, it's great that you want to ride your bikes everywhere. But evrytime I pass you once, I shouldn't have to pass you again. Start acting like a car. Obey the rules of the road and stop acting like morons.
[Pulse Editor's Note: And I wish everytime I passed you on my bike, I wouldn't have to pass you again as most drivers speed up just to sit at a red light. If both agreed to not act like morons, the roads would be a much safe place.]

----Aug.11, 2:42 am

The same can be said for the fucking spandex Spiccolis [as in WWF Louie (RIP) , not Jeff] who feel the need to show off like Mr.Perfect when he threw a touchdown pass to himself (but they're nowhere as perfect) and speed right passed you only to have you fucking granny it behind them as they drink their Faygo from some 'high-tech' sports bottle (which actually just fell out of a plane just above X-cess Cargo and is really only shit-tech. BAM!).

Moving along...

I totally enjoy this (especially at 1:15 in) to the max and this second rant (found in the Pulse):
To all the asshole drivers who say they like to splash)pedestrians and cyclists: watch yourself. The next person you splash just might be splashing a rock in their pocket ready to pack a pitch into your back window.

--Aug.10, 7:43 pm

I'm not sure how you splash a rock in your pocket, perhaps you can make a splash in your pocket with a rock (of a hammer) but in the meantime...





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