This weekend found The Rose City Condor hitting up the T-dirt all weekend long in an attempt to pimp his 'artistic creations' at the Fall Season Toronto Clothing Show. I had my Artist Rep with me and while we took a hiatus from standing around like lepers we were just about to cross University and Queen when suddenly storming towards us

No, not a greyscale jpeg charging at us like Swayze and his Black Dog but rather 200 plus cyclers with their version of how the videoshoot for 'We're Not Gonna Take It' would roll in two thousand muthafucking 8. It was pretty freaking intimidating to have all of these bikes swerving around you while crossing the street. I felt like this "play of the night". Or like some uptight principal in an 80's movie who gets caught in the middle of students gone wild and by the time the all pass me I'm left standing there naked with my Buddy Holly glasses crooked and nothing but a briefcase to cover my junk. I'd then side step slowly to the right & I'd have embarrased rosey red cheeks anime style and...END SCENE. 

We hit up some shops and just after noticing how Speaker's Corner got peaced out we were at the corner of Queen & John witnessing this

More than 100 cyclists protest arrest
Sep 27, 2008 08:34 PM
Christina Commisso Staff reporterPolice say more than a hundred cyclists surrounded 52 Division on Friday evening after a demonstration resulted in the arrest of one cyclist.More than 200 cyclists met at Bloor St W. and Spadina Rd. on Friday to ride their bikes through the streets of Toronto. This ride occurs on the last Friday of every month to show motorists that cyclists are part of traffic instead of blocking it. One cyclist was arrested just after the start of the demonstration for obstruction and several traffic infraction tickets were issued. Staff Sgt. Brown of 52 Division says that the tickets are nothing out of the ordinary. However, cyclists feel that police presence during the rides has become increasingly aggressive.“Cops were pushing cyclists out of the way, I think they gave out over forty tickets,” said Katie Mazer, a cyclist who participated in Friday’s ride. “I was in a ride last year and it was much more peaceful.” Darren Stehr from the group Advocacy Respects Cyclists says that police have had an inconsistent approach toward cyclists for the last three rides. “One month they’re our friends, the next month they’re arresting us,” he said. Stehr, who has been participating in the rides for the last 10 years, thinks the increased police presence during rides will not discourage cyclists from participating, “If anything, I think it will encourage more riders to show up.”
Sep 27, 2008 08:34 PM
Christina Commisso Staff reporterPolice say more than a hundred cyclists surrounded 52 Division on Friday evening after a demonstration resulted in the arrest of one cyclist.More than 200 cyclists met at Bloor St W. and Spadina Rd. on Friday to ride their bikes through the streets of Toronto. This ride occurs on the last Friday of every month to show motorists that cyclists are part of traffic instead of blocking it. One cyclist was arrested just after the start of the demonstration for obstruction and several traffic infraction tickets were issued. Staff Sgt. Brown of 52 Division says that the tickets are nothing out of the ordinary. However, cyclists feel that police presence during the rides has become increasingly aggressive.“Cops were pushing cyclists out of the way, I think they gave out over forty tickets,” said Katie Mazer, a cyclist who participated in Friday’s ride. “I was in a ride last year and it was much more peaceful.” Darren Stehr from the group Advocacy Respects Cyclists says that police have had an inconsistent approach toward cyclists for the last three rides. “One month they’re our friends, the next month they’re arresting us,” he said. Stehr, who has been participating in the rides for the last 10 years, thinks the increased police presence during rides will not discourage cyclists from participating, “If anything, I think it will encourage more riders to show up.”
The Road Warriors side of the story
Unfortunately this wasn't the dude who was arrested. Well not for any bike offense. Arrested for touching grade 9 boys trying out for the badminton team...only time will tell.
So while looking for the Cheerleader Trample YouTube link (see above) I was able to find
So the clip ..okay.. is what it is..."Vinita Nair" 'a spicy a meataball' and all that shit BUT the gold Jerry is found in the comments below the clip.
LemonAndYoghurt: I didnt understand a word she said, but I didnt need to. I think she said I want you and Id like to go out on a date with you :P
Leetus: she said something about the republica
LemonAndYoghurt: you mean the band republica?? yeah they are awesome!
And on that note
'baby I'm ready to go'
The Rose City Condor
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