Friday, September 26, 2008

Red Condor...Gold Bracelet

So I was going to post a picture of some nude chi on a bike and underneath the picture of the nude chi on the bike (hopefully an Ebike since this is an Ebike Blog,
to be precise) I was going to place the most KILLER PUN (not to be confused with the killer of 'Pun ) you've ever read on an Ebike Blog that focuses STRICTLY on neither Ebikes nor Niagara.
The pun would read:
The Red Condor In Action.
Afterwards you would question where the pun be at, b-otch? But along the way I found THIS instead. Check that shit out then come back to me and peep the fucking MAD science I drop after the Eddie Head below.
Why is the author concerned that "..they said nothing about Ferrari"?? and NOT concerned with the DeVry level command of the Engrish language on his article? At first I thought I had Google Translate in effect boyeeeeee but clearly not the case.
Oh and before The Rose City Condor forgets:

The Red Condor In Action




Rest in...



ThE RoSe CitY CondoR


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