I've been anticipating a whirlwind of E-Bike rants from Pulse but so far no dice. Mood - Pissed (Sorry, couldn't find a 'pissed' emoticon but I did come across this drunkie monkey)

I guess I'll just have to storm the sidewalks a lil more. Till then...
"Ahhhhh! How lazy can we Americans get? I suppose it's fitting for an American bike maker to actually design a "secretly" electric bicycle. Hey, thanks to the mass media we have a generation of fat, McDonald's-fed adolescents wanting to look like bulemic models, so why not add lazy cyclists who want to appear like Lance?"Hey!?! What's so wrong with looking like Lance?!?!?!?
Here's some info from a fellow E-Biker buddy who has no clue who the fuck I am nor is aware that I'm dropping his name (Chris Sampson), blog (Hangzhou Tales) and/or using his picture
Anyways so the kid says:
"Is the e-bike dangerous? yes. BUT! Is the bus dangerous? yes. Well often people get aggressive when lining up or standing on the bus and will start mini-fist fights or shouting matches."How fucking croosh would that be to witness a 'mini-fist' fight? Like dudes all matched up like Chuck Zito vs Chuck Buchner BUT with mini-fists!! Sort of like NBA Jam HUGE BIGHEAD styles but this time around kids it's MINI-FISTS! Like a mini-mall but no stores just fist.
Chris 'Doc' Sampson has more gold jerry but I'm going to danny that shit for anotha day.
I will leave you with one bit of 'Doc Sampson' wisdom that would even blow wiseman from the future RUFUS all the way back to the Circle K circa '86:
I will leave you with one bit of 'Doc Sampson' wisdom that would even blow wiseman from the future RUFUS all the way back to the Circle K circa '86:
"So in closing china's road are in a state of near anarchy but the E-bike is fun and effective."
The Rose City Condor
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