While I've been ranting about Spandex Spicollis, enjoying Rick Martel's fragarance and promoting the use of sidewalks for
means of transportation others have been keeping the condor up to date on all of the brass regarding these fucking 'bike-path motorcycles' known as E-bikes. Mirage had this to say:
"Currently, the jury is out on 'proper' regulation of these vehicles as they're in a 'pilot' stage by the government of Ontario, with some particular eye-brow raising attention to the larger 'scooter' application (i.e.Condor), and it is working out in your favor (thus far). Your machine is classified as a "Power-Assisted Bicycle"or PAB (even though it's a scooter), and is road legal in terms of following bicycle regulations, but not that of a motorcycle, moped, or scooter. The brass tacks have not been ironed out in terms of the specific classification for road use in the future, mainly relating to their likeness to Mopeds."
PAB eh? So that will be the true birth name of the Condor ....
PABLO (Power-Assisted Bicycle Loves Opposition)
Essentially sooner or later the shit will drop. But what I would like to ask is what about the old ninny 4-wheelers and the kiddy push scooters that have motors and shit? I've had fucking Spandex Spicollis yell to get my 'motorcycle off the pathway' but the old perv from Family Guy blazing the trail with no feedback whatsoever. He's even inviting kids from popcicles in the basement?!?! But the kids have to stay down there to eat them with him as the 'upstairs heat will melt them immediately. The Mirage also mentions:
As a comparison - in Ontario, Mopeds are considered a "limited speed motorcycle" and DO require licensing (written test, M1, M2 etc), plating, and insurance to operate - where as yours obviously does not. Many 'purists' who consider some of these new E-Bikes and all E-Scooters to be in league with Mopeds seem to be trying to have this same(unfortunate) classification of "limited speed motorcycle" placed on some E-Bikes and all E-Scooters going forward,instead of their current PAB status. This would mean that you would possibly need a license (testing), plating,insurance, and for the vehicle to pass a safety test to be road-legal. The 'pilot' duration is set to expire in October of 2009, at which time legal changes may take effect. I'd keep those revolutionary fingers crossed if I were you.
Also I would have to ask, 'what is the definition of "limited speed motorcycle" in terms of speed? Is it a matter of the Condor not being able to hit 60k ? 50k? 43.3534k? A gentleman informed me of ways to tweak the bike so that The Condor could bypass certain speed caps (but that would make the Condor ineligable for any shenanigans covered by the 1year warranty) therefore is the Condor so limited after all? And again, what about the Ninny Wagons? And also there is the debate of what makes a 'motorcycle'? If I had one of those Bigfoot Powerwheels and tweaked it, what then?
E-Bike Laws, Ontario
A quote taken from the above link.
"This inconsistency has been raised to the attention of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa (EVCO) and is currently before the Provincial Offences Courts.[12] In Ontario, mopeds require, plating, and insurance. (HTA, section 7, and TheCompulsory Automobile Insurance Act) Owner of such vehicles may, depending on their insurer, be required to show a safety certificate when insuring their vehicle.[13]"
Government Info On E-Bikes
(quotes from above 1979)
"The province continues to review both existing and new vehicle types to determine whether they fit into the HTA(Highway Traffic Act) or if a new vehicle definition is required. Road safety will be a key consideration in determining which new vehicles or devices may operate on Ontario's roads."
"The ministry has become aware of scooter-style vehicles that technically meet the pilot's e-bike definition, but not the intent, as they are not primarily operated by muscular power due to their heavy weight. Therefore, in addition to evaluating how safely the e-bike can integrate with other motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, the emergence of the scooter-style e-bikes requires the ministry to also assess if the pilot's original intent continues to be appropriate. The ministry may clarify its position on the original intent of the pilot when final legislation is drafted."
Gov't E-Bike FAQ
(more quotes from above 1979)
"17. If a police officer stopped someone who is drunk while driving an e-bike, how would they be charged? Would this be a Criminal Code offence? HTA offence?
A - Drinking and driving a motor vehicle is a Criminal Code offence and charges are laid under the Criminal Code of Canada. Under the Criminal Code, the definition of a "motor vehicle" includes an e-bike and anyone operating an e-bike while intoxicated could be charged with impaired driving. If convicted, the offender would be subject to the CriminalCode penalties, including a fine or jail time; and a driving prohibition. However, under this pilot regulation, an E-bike would not be a motor vehicle under the Highway Traffic Act, so penalties for impaired driving under the Act would not apply."
What about the Ninny carts? When I was blazing up the Canal Pathway with the Condor en route back home to the Rose a man by the name of Gerry Atric riding an ol' ninny bastard cart was chatting me up. He had just came back from the Rose City hospital, had some x-rays taken and excused his subtle slur caused by the few he had (not at Meco's) but at the Bridge Pub. Would that son be charged? Would his cart fall under motor vehicle? When it comes down to it...what about the ol fart carts? You're wondering who is the final Cylon yet to be revealed???? Fuck that! What about the Ninny carts? Is David Spade the biological father to his Ex-girlfriend/Playboy Playmate's child on the way? Fuck that! What about the Ninny carts? (But actually it was confirmed, he IS) Do you like people playin on your phones? Fuck THAT! I don't like people playing on my phones AND what about the Ninny carts?
More goodies from the Mirage:
Here's another good link / article on scooters in general which includes your PABLO:
A quote from it.
"The PABs have not been without controversy.[My kinda bike--Rose City Condor] Many cyclists on muscle-powered bikes are frustrated that the larger PABs- electric scooters - are being ridden in bike lanes and pathways in parks. They argue that the electric scooters'bulk and weight pose safety risks to other cyclists, and that there needs to be greater clarity as to what qualifies as a PAB, and what should be considered a full-grown scooter. However others have argued that the electric scooters are appropriately labeled as a PAB because of their limited maximum speed of 32 km/h (which is much slower than traditional scooters)."
First off, have these T-dot T-douches seen The Rose City Condor??? You want muscle power go check out Lou Ferigno (who i did have a pose off with ...and WON...maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that) How the fuck does this pose a safety risk??? THEY'RE FUCKING FLLLLLLLLLLLYING PASSED ME! I can't even run into the fucks are side-swipe them since they just fucking Ben Johnson by me. My good friend

even fucking smokes me! He's in the fucking Welland Canal avoiding mattreses, ten-speeds ghost ridden into the abyss, rose city sluts who didn't make it to their next shift at Babies and the fucking dude from Crabbie Joe's Smokes the Chron!! Somebody call Geraldo and tell him that Hoffa's belongings can be found in the Rose Canal. The fucking glacier that smoked the Titanic even poses no threat for my friend

and he is still able to pass on by. I just think they fucking 2-bit Tom Sellecks On Wheels are jealous they have to fucking exert themself while I just cruise with the greatest of ease. Some chick on an E-Bike could even have a moustache ride in progress and still be able to just cruise on her E-Bike. That makes the Spandex Spicollis jealous. They're just angry they have to pedal. Jealous they can't get a moustache ride while on their bike. E-Bikers can. Take that. If I wanted to ride free and easy with Kenny the Half-Man from Springer on my lap playing Paperboy on Gameboy, we can do that. Spicollis would be pissed!
Hahhahahhahahah, my E-Bike's name is PABLO! (Cue DX Rage rip-off theme here)
THe RoSe CiTy ConDor