ACTUALLY Santos Party House.
Check it:
'Santos Party House has officially won all the major NYC dance club awards! On Sunday, November 16th, Paper Magazine held their Nightlife Awards. Santos was nominated for every eligible category and won them ALL! Best Club (People's Choice), Best New Club, and Best Party'
'Who the fuck cares about the Santos Haunted Pita Shack or whatever the fuck it's called!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you're DEFINITELY asking yourself, your mother or loved ones crowding around you at the minute.
Well Chuckles...you should fucking care as much as you care about Popcorn getting his shit together post-Celebrity Rehab so Axl can tap into the mana pool that gave us such hits as Rocket Queen and Night Train
a fucking rattle snake suitcase? can you believe that shit? But let's get real here for a second..what the shit ass is the deal with Santos Party House...well it's owned by none other than
here's the shit that REALLY matters about the Santos Party House. I know you're so fucking excited I can smell the cheap Masengil from your mother's bat cave.
Technical Specifications
Our main floor live music system features:
ten JBL Vertec 4888 and two 4887 line array speakers
four JBL Vertec 4880 Ultra Sub Woofers
six JBL STX 812 monitor wedges
four VRX 915 monitor wedges
aSoundcraft VI6 mixing console
a Soundcraft VI4 monitor mixing console.
Our main floor disco system includes:
110 separate TAD drivers
housed in 22 custom built tri amped boxes
powered by 20 Crown I-Tech Amps
totalling 150,000 watts.
Our main floor lighting system includes:
148 different light fixtures
81 assorted RGB LEDs
26 UV LEDs (blacklights)
6 Source 4 spotlights with assistant lenses
12 Mega-Llite Axis 500 Yoke Spots
18 500W Par lamps
3 Par ACLs
2 Audience Blinders
You're welcome Andy.
the rose city condor
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