It was Monday night and the Rose City Condor was about to drop some mad EbikeOnomics. Suddenly the Roman Emperoress was hacklin' and I was curious to see what Tracy Morgan lines had her bustin' a gut. The Rose City Condor was wrong this time around. Although I was partially correct with a brutha being involved (nope, no reverse OREO action, sorry kids. Maybe next time) it was none other than TUFF ASS Sgt.Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club BOOT CAMP layin' the verbal smackdown on a poor cracka (no pun intended) Screech Powers. Screech was going thru hard times, hence the 'poor cracka'. You see, puns work much better when you have to explain them thoroughly and throw down a link for further help. (Your fucking welcome Michael Kwan!) Otherwise known as Dustin Diamond (no relation to Mike D). It was around 8pm or a bit after so pretty much any sailor talk or bukkake scenes would be out of the that shit for 9:01pm! Or FUCK THAT let's just sit and witness the mind BOTTLING event of CITY TV dropping the muthafuckin censor ball and hearing this shit straight up F BOMB JIHAD attack style. So we continued to laugh at the lack of bleeps and then laughed some more at fucking SCREECH POWERS receiving a verbal GHETTOBLASTER (RIP BAD NEWS BROWN) from Sgt. Harvey.
Samuel L?
SGT. Doakes from Dexter.
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