The Rose City Condor & the Red Condor's been laying low, under the weather as they say. After the Red Condor was literally nailed in the lower ass end I thought for sure sooner or later there'd be a return to form. Unfortunately the Red Condor's now a fucking eppie leppie.
So then I thought, "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiiit ---son, what the fucks?!?!(plural) I wonder if my dad Snake (his gang name back in the day) would know the reason for the shake rattle and roll? Only if his buddy GearBox was still around". Then I L'dOL at that massive label alone...Gearbox. And what about his ladyfriend??? Mrs.Box. And then I reminisced about the good ol' In & Out Burger (which I always figured would be a croosh late night hang out for professional fornicators of the night life). hahahhahahhahah IN & OUT BURGER. Check out the Bird's latest post about a 'had to be there to truly appreciate that shit' style story involving a Bird (not the Condor) a burger, a Jim and a General.The Rose City Condor & the Red Condor's been laying low, under the weather as they say. After the Red Condor was literally nailed in the lower ass end I thought for sure sooner or later there'd be a return to form. Unfortunately the Red Condor's now a fucking eppie leppie.
After reflecting on the hilarity of In&Out Burger I was then transported to a time when I worked with a dude named Goode. This later morphed into GoodeBurger then obviously into FurBurger. And then there seemed to be a weird 'shit coming full circle' magic when after finding images of I&O Burger, thinking about our friend FurBurger and then finding ......
not your mom.she left my lap 2 minutes ago.she felt your eyes leering her way
The Prez of the RCFC!!!!
(not to be confused with the Rose City Fight Club)
The Rose City Red Condor
that muffburger home of the muffburger needs a whistletip
woo woooo
that's gonna be a nasty fucken hairball in my throat
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